Friday, May 1, 2009

Rocket Man Boobs

NY Daily News reported that Roger Clemens was known in Yankeeland as having man boobs, a tell-tale sign of steroid use. Frankly, most people are getting tired of all this steroid talk, but I'm not one of them, yet.

"The medical term was gynecomastia, but around the clubhouse they called them "b---- t---" or "man boobs" - and heaven help the player who sprouted them in the middle of his career and then took his shirt off in the locker room," the Daily News reporters wrote in "American Icon." "Roger Clemens had man boobs, and he must have been embarrassed because he was often the first Yankee out of the shower and the first to get dressed after the game."

Sports Illustrated columnist Selena Roberts reports in her new book - "A-Rod" - that Rodriguez was called "B---- T---" by other players, a reference to his enlarged breasts. Roberts refers to a 2007 Letterman skit on YouTube in which Rodriguez is seen shirtless on a park bench having cream rubbed on his shoulders and quotes Jose Canseco as saying, "That's where you see the b---- t---. It's right there."

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