Saturday, December 20, 2008

bad nba broadcast

espn used to do a pretty good job on the nba, but last night's LAL at MIA game was so bad, it deserves some smack talk.

There was a lot of Mark Jackson kissing Kobe's ass, then Lebron's. Oh yeah, Wade's assed also got kissed a lot.

Something Kobe said that I didn't particularly liked was when he revealed that he talked to Wade the day before the match. This was concurred by Wade, who said they have a brotherly, special bond because of the Olympics.

Too bad these guys don't hate each other like Shaq and Kobe.

The obvious complaints are the unnecessary blips and swooshes, odd sounds that are completely annoying and ear piercing. Too many missed plays due to predictable long close up of "player who scored shot" when the other team just used less than 4 seconds to score on their own.

My main rule with NBA broadcasts are, "Leave the camera on one angle and leave it at that for the whole entire game, unless there is some kind of important reason to leave center court, ala if Ron Artest gets into a fight with a fan moment."

Mad cold in Vancouver

WTF is going on around here with the weather? It's friggin -5 on my balcony right now, and it's like 10:30AM already. Outside the roads are mostly trapped under big layers of ice. Ice puddles, very slippery shit.

Global Warming is pretty shitty for Vancouver. Because now, it's like snowing all the time and shit. Frigging unbelievable.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

marbury at the lakers game in LA

This gotta be one of the most bizarre stories in all of nba. During the Laker game last night, cameras showed that Marbury was in attendance as a fan. He was sitting bassline, courtside front row seat.

At first it was hard to figure out why he was there, or whether he was officially invited by the Knicks, sort to speak.

Then during the halftime interview, it became obvious that Marbury was there as a fan, as in somebody gave him tickets to the game, and he went.

Why Marbury would choose to accept a Knick game at Staples is beyond comprehension. He is basically trying to court as much media attention as possible. Why not show up to all the Knicks games?

In fact, I think it gave the Knicks a big spark and almost led their almost victory in LA.

Monday, December 15, 2008

remember inspectah deck?

Checking out resident patient 2.

He sounds a heck of a lot like 50 cent nowadays.

Not a bad album though. I'm digging the beats.