Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yankees Reduce Prices, Give Away Tickets to Season Ticket Holders

Mike Francesa announced on WFAN that the Yankees are giving away free tickets per game to all their premium season ticket holders. The value and number of tickets that each season ticket holder gets depends on how much they are paying for their seats. The Yankees choose to do it this away rather than give out refunds to current season ticket holders who have already paid the premium price.

Those who bought $2,500 first-row season tickets in the 11 sections surrounding the plate that weren't reduced will receive an equal number of free first-row tickets for the rest of the season. Those who bought $1,250 first-row seats in the first two sections past each photo cage will receive free seats for 24 games.

Fans who bought $850 Legends Suite season tickets will get free seats in the same section for eight games and free seats in the $500 section for four games. Those who bought $600 Legends Suite season tickets will get free seats in the $500 section for 10 games, and those who bought $500 Legends Suite seats will get free seats in that section for eight games.

The reason the Yankees are giving away tickets is because they have had trouble selling out their premium seats around the home plate area.

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