Wednesday, October 31, 2007

NBA DAY 1 Action

Blazers @ Spurs was a real bore. The only real excitement came in the 1st half, when they asked Eva Longoria (sp?) how her marriage was going. She paused, then gave a rehearsed response, ' (paraphrased) oh we're still in our honeymoon period'. ouch.

I think that means that it'll less than 3 years before they announce their divorce. Pure speculation on my part.

Actually, I was very excited about the Magic, Ernie, Kenny & Charles halftime broadcast.

I'm a big Magic fan and to hear him bash the Lakers management and Kobe was really priceless. Magic is firing off his mouth about everything. The Lakers management are in-fighting, too many voices. Plus, Kobe is the one that created this current mess when he said that he couldn't play with Shaq no more.

And then Kenny bashes the Lakers relentlessly, all the while talking directly to Magic. He kept on using the pronoun 'you' to mean the Lakers, but each time he said you, it was directly at Magic.

I'm sure Magic has killed Kenny in the off-the air moments, so it's a little payback time in the on the air moments.

You know, the real idiot in all this was Jerry Buss. Somehow, he got infatuated with Kobe, and wanted him above all else, rape charge and all. He should have given Kobe a take it or leave it offer. Take the max from the Lakers, with or without the promise of a future Shaq trade, or go ahead and sign with Chicago, Clippers, or whatever and see how hard it is to win on your own.

Rockets @ Lakers

A real bore but it sure got exciting at the very end. Lakers managed to tie it at 92 after a crazy 12 point comeback in the last 1:00++ minutes. But Shane Batteir spoiled the comeback with a wide opened 3 point look when the Lakers decided to triple team McGrady and leave everybody else wide open.

Real shocker? All the missed Kobe free throws. No doubt his wrist is hurting him worse than he's letting on. That white lower arm band is looking kinda wack. Trying to be all A.I.

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