Monday, March 24, 2008

Mystery Time-out in NBA

They've really got to stop the mandatory time-out rule in every single NBA game.

I hate the fact that there has to be a mandatory time-out at the first stoppage of play after the 6 minute mark if no time-out has been called.

This totally disrupts the flow of the game and breaks it up into little chunks.

It makes little sense other than to block the natural flow of any good basketball game.

Think if you're a player, a fan, or an owner. Everybody in the building wants the game to continue. Only the TV producer wants to stop the game.

Well, screw TV. Ratings are going down the drain anyways, so why bother everybody with unnecessary commericals?

It would be so much easier if only players and coaches can call time-outs and only when they have possession of the ball.

In almost every NBA game, there are always a couple of mystery calls. Defensive 3 seconds is a really stupid call that they make, sometimes randomly.

Wait, didn't they allow zone defensives now? Kind of, only if you are not randomly standing in the lane guarding nobody in particular.

I see some of the benefits of this rule, but sometimes it seems like a ref would hesitate to make a 3 second defensive call if it was in the last 20 seconds of any regular or play-off game.

... In the background I have the John Tesh NBA on NBC music playing, and it's already getting me psyched up for an NBA game.

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