Wednesday, December 17, 2008

marbury at the lakers game in LA

This gotta be one of the most bizarre stories in all of nba. During the Laker game last night, cameras showed that Marbury was in attendance as a fan. He was sitting bassline, courtside front row seat.

At first it was hard to figure out why he was there, or whether he was officially invited by the Knicks, sort to speak.

Then during the halftime interview, it became obvious that Marbury was there as a fan, as in somebody gave him tickets to the game, and he went.

Why Marbury would choose to accept a Knick game at Staples is beyond comprehension. He is basically trying to court as much media attention as possible. Why not show up to all the Knicks games?

In fact, I think it gave the Knicks a big spark and almost led their almost victory in LA.

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