The first important step is to separate your food garbage from your regular garbage. I put my food in little tupper wares just like the one pictured above.
The 2nd picture shows the tupper ware w/ the blue lid on. It is extremely important to have the lid on because it eliminates the stench of rotting food.
I keep my tupper ware in the fridge in the bottom drawer. It slows down the rotting process and also out of sight. I have 4 small sized tupper ware containers that get filled up with my throwaway food about once a week.
Now to the fun part. After I separated my food from my other garbage, I have two basic types of garbage left over. They are separated into the two small green containers that you see below.
They are 12 inches in height, and 7 inches in width. Not a whole lot of space.
In the container on the right, I put all my paper type garbage, and all items that are small. Almost anything that is not made of plastic wrapping goes in the right container. In the picture, you see a bunch of tissue papers in the right container.
In the left container, I am very specific about what goes into it. The first type of item are all clear plastic vegetable and fruit bags, such as the ones you get from the super market when you buy vegetables and fruits. The second type is ziploc bags. Basically, its all the clear plastic that I use to store meat and vegetables in the fridge, or transport meat and vegetables from the market to the home.
Now that I've filtered my garbage into these three main categories, all the items left over are all recycle-able. I have a bigger sized garbage bin for all my hard cardboard paper and office paper. I also have another garbage bin for all my plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and milk cartons.
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